NTU students can find help, information and resources online and within the community. Please see our list below.
Mental Health and Suicidal Support:
- Samaritans: call 116 123 for around the clock, free and one-to-one support.
- NHS Help for suicidal thoughts: NHS information about suicide and support services
- Youngminds: How to speak to your GP- advice for reaching out for help.
- Supportline: helpline – 01708 765200 email – info@supportline.org.uk
- Mind: how to support someone who feels suicidal
- Rethink Mental Illness: A guide to understanding mental health and services available.
- Time to Change: supporting changing the way people think and act about mental health problems.
- Harmless: The Tomorrow Project
- Talk About Self Harm: On this website you can find lots of useful information about where you can get help and support, and alternatives to self harm.
- NHS Self- Help leaflets
- Kooth: Online mental wellbeing community
- Our Student Support Services Leaflet#
- Student Minds: Whether you are looking for support for your own mental health at university, support for a friend or loved one, or for services that might be available to you as a student, help is available.
- Student Space: Information and advice to help you through the challenges of coronavirus.
- NottAlone: Local mental health advice and help for young people in Nottingham.
- The Wellbeing Hub: The Wellbeing Hub provides free, confidential support to people seeking help for mental health, drugs or alcohol use, housing and employment. Address: Wellbeing Hub, 73 Hounds Gate, Nottingham, NG1 6BB
University/Exam Stress:
- NTU Health and Wellbeing resources: A list of useful online resources to help you with any health and wellbeing issues you might be experiencing.
- Support and Wellbeing Referral Form: NTU Student Support service available to students wanting additional support for personal circumstances (e.g. Mental health, bereavement, University stress and long term conditions)
Eating Support:
- NHS Eating Disorder Services within Nottingham
- Beat Eating Disorders
- NTU Eating Disorders signs and symptoms
- Overeaters Anonymous
- Slimming World- get in touch with us to see if you’re eligible for a free 12 week referral.
Substance abuse: