National Fitness Day is an annual campaign by ukactive that highlights the role that physical activity plays across the UK, helping to raise awareness of its importance in assisting us to lead healthier lifestyles. … [continue] 18th September National Fitness Day
13th September World Sepsis Day
10th September World Suicide Prevention Day
What is World Suicide Prevention Day? Every year, organisations and communities around the world come together to raise awareness of how we can create a world where fewer people … [continue] 10th September World Suicide Prevention Day
2nd-8th September Know Your Numbers Week
Every September, blood pressure checks are taken by thousands to prevent heart attacks and strokes. Every September, blood pressure checks are taken by thousands to prevent heart attacks and strokes. … [continue] 2nd-8th September Know Your Numbers Week
September is PCOS awareness month
WHAT IS PCOS? PCOS affects 1 in 10 women in the UK Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine disorder whereby polycystic ovaries are one of an array of possible … [continue] September is PCOS awareness month
1st-7th August World Breastfeeding Awareness Week
Breast feeding can be challenging, but there is lots of advice and support available. Midwives, health visitors and locally trained volunteer mothers (peer supporters) are there to help you get … [continue] 1st-7th August World Breastfeeding Awareness Week
August is International Happiness Happens Month
Way back in 1997, I wondered where all of the happy people hung out. It was the height of the self-help movement so there was a lot of focus on what … [continue] August is International Happiness Happens Month
1st August Cycle to Work Day
Save the date! The UK’s biggest celebration of cycle commuting is back on Thursday 1st August 2024! Whether you’ve never cycled before, not ridden in a while or cycle every … [continue] 1st August Cycle to Work Day
28th July World Hepatitis Day 2024
Every year on 28 July, WHO and partners mark World Hepatitis Day to increase awareness and understanding of viral hepatitis and the diseases that it causes. This date honours the … [continue] 28th July World Hepatitis Day 2024
25th July National Schizophrenia Awareness Day
The reality of schizophrenia One in 100 people will experience schizophrenia. Despite being so common, the stigma surrounding schizophrenia remains stubbornly high due to a lack of understanding. People with a diagnosis … [continue] 25th July National Schizophrenia Awareness Day
24th July 24/7 Samaritans Awareness Day/ The Big Listen 2024
How can you get involved? If you’d like to help raise awareness for #SamaritansAwarenessDay then please support us on social media by sharing our downloadable social media assets throughout July. If … [continue] 24th July 24/7 Samaritans Awareness Day/ The Big Listen 2024
3rd July National Bereaved Parents Day
She’s Gone By David Harkins You can shed tears that she is gone.Or you can smile because she livedYou can close your eyes and pray that she will come … [continue] 3rd July National Bereaved Parents Day
July is Sarcoma Awareness Month
What is Sarcoma? Sarcoma is a type of cancer that can appear anywhere in the body. Every day, 15 people are diagnosed with sarcoma in the UK. That’s about 5,300 … [continue] July is Sarcoma Awareness Month
1st-7th July Alcohol Awareness Week
Alcohol Awareness Week is a week of awareness-raising, campaigning for change, and more. Alcohol Awareness Week 2024 will take place from 1 to 7 July on the theme of ‘Understanding alcohol … [continue] 1st-7th July Alcohol Awareness Week
19th-25th June Learning Disability Week
What is Learning Disability Week about this year? The topics to talk about each day during Learning Disability Week are: Monday 17 June: “Do you see me?” Tuesday 18 June: … [continue] 19th-25th June Learning Disability Week
17th-23rd June Cervical Screening Awareness Week
Going for your cervical screening isn’t always easy, and everyone’s experience is different. So many changes in life, from big milestones to how we feel day-to-day, can have an impact. This … [continue] 17th-23rd June Cervical Screening Awareness Week
16th June Autistic Pride Day
Welcome to Autistic Pride Day We are dedicated to celebrating and supporting the Autistic community. Driven by our vision of a just world for all, we aim to foster understanding, … [continue] 16th June Autistic Pride Day
14th June World Blood Donor Day
GIVE BLOOD NOW!! So, what does your blood type say about you? There are eight main blood types, some rarer than others. Whether you are A, B, AB or O, … [continue] 14th June World Blood Donor Day
10th-16th June is Bike Week
What is Bike Week? Bike Week is the UK’s biggest awareness-raising moment of the year for cycling and a chance to celebrate. It’s a time to remind ourselves of all … [continue] 10th-16th June is Bike Week
10th-16th June is Carers Week
This year the theme is ‘Putting Carers on the Map’ highlighting the invaluable contributions of carers across the UK and ensuring their voices are heard loud and clear. Together we … [continue] 10th-16th June is Carers Week
10th-16th June Men’s Health Week
Please follow the link to the Men’s Health Forum Please follow the link to Suicide Prevention
10th – 14th June Healthy Eating Week
We are encouraging everyone, including early years settings, schools, workplaces and community groups, to ‘Give it a go’ this Healthy Eating Week. Whether that means having one extra portion of fruit or … [continue] 10th – 14th June Healthy Eating Week
3rd to 9th June Volunteers’ Week
What is Volunteers’ Week? Volunteers’ Week celebrates the amazing contributions volunteers make to communities across the UK. The celebration starts on the first Monday in June every year. It’s a … [continue] 3rd to 9th June Volunteers’ Week
Carer Events for June
We are dedicated to supporting our carers at Radford Medical Practice. Please see below some of the upcoming events happening from the June Newsletter from the Carers Federation. You can … [continue] Carer Events for June
20th-24th May Walk To School Week
JOIN THE FUN! LIVING STREETS BRAND NEW WALK TO SCHOOL WEEK ACTIVITY PACKS ARE NOW LIVE! Our five-day walking challenge is the perfect activity to run as part of our … [continue] 20th-24th May Walk To School Week
13th- 19th May Mental Health Awareness Week
Mental Health Awareness Week The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines mental health as a state of mental wellbeing that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realise their … [continue] 13th- 19th May Mental Health Awareness Week
13th-19th May is Dementia Action Week
AT RADFORD MEDICAL PRACTICE WE ARE DEMENTIA FRIENDLY About dementia Dementia is a group of symptoms. It’s caused by different diseases that damage the brain. The symptoms get worse over time … [continue] 13th-19th May is Dementia Action Week
12th-18th May ME Awareness Week
ME Awareness Week Myalgic encephalomyelitis, also called chronic fatigue syndrome or ME/CFS, is a long-term condition with a wide range of symptoms. The most common symptom is extreme tiredness. ME/CFS … [continue] 12th-18th May ME Awareness Week
12th May International Nurses Day
International Nurses Day Let’s be clear – nursing is not a calling or a vocation. Nursing is a highly-skilled, safety-critical profession. You are experts. You are leaders. And this Nurses’ … [continue] 12th May International Nurses Day
6th-12th May Deaf Awareness Week
Deaf Awareness Week Each year, the week brings awareness to the isolation that deaf people can experience, whilst promoting social inclusion of those with hearing loss. The week also generates awareness … [continue] 6th-12th May Deaf Awareness Week