Radford Medical Practice 0115 6973018

NTU Student Health Centre 0115 6978651

Veteran Friendly Practice

We, at Radford Medical Practice are proud to be an accredited Veteran
Friendly GP Practice and to support our Armed Forces community.

Research from the University of Chester shows that Veteran
Friendly GP Practice accreditation leads to the best healthcare for
patients and gives practice staff more confidence to support and
refer their veteran patients. In the current climate it feels
particularly important.

It’s fantastic being able to make a positive impact to our veteran
community. The accreditation process is simple and quick and
offers plenty of training, information and guidance for the whole
practice to help us better meet the needs of veteran patients.

Top Tips for Veterans

Patient Charter Information

Veterans FAQ

Date published: 24th May, 2024
Date last updated: 24th May, 2024