Radford Medical Practice 0115 6973018

NTU Student Health Centre 0115 6978651

Vaccines for Students

It is really important that young people starting or returning to university ensure that they are up to date with their vaccines. Check with your GP practice if you are unsure.

Ideally, students should arrange to have any vaccines they have missed before leaving for university or college. With lots of people newly coming together in confined environments and close mixing, universities can be hot spots for COVID-19, flu, measles, mumps and meningococcal disease as they present the perfect opportunity for infection to spread.

We offer a vaccination service at the surgery for:

MenACWY vaccine (protecting against 4 types of meningococcal disease)

HPV vaccine for female students, protecting against cervical and other cancers
caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) together with genital warts. Only one dose is needed to be protected and it is free for individuals under 25 years old.

MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine

Td/IPV booster vaccine protecting against diphtheria, tetanus and polio

For COVID-19 vaccine you will need to call 119 or attend a walk-in or pop-up clinic.


Common signs & symptoms of meningitis in adults

Adult with a feverFever, cold hands and feet

Adult vomitingVomiting

A sleepy adultDrowsy, difficult to wake

A confused adultConfusion and irritability

Adult with severe muscle painSevere muscle pain

A pale adultPale, blotchy skin. Spots/rash

Adult looking fretfulSevere headache

Adult with stiff neckStiff neck

Adult disliking the lightDislike bright lights

Adult having convulsionsConvulsions/seizures

Mumps: Signs, Symptoms, and Complications

Date published: 7th October, 2022
Date last updated: 6th November, 2023