Month: September 2024
25th-29th September ICON week
Babies cry, you can cope When babies cry it can be stressful and overwhelming. Help is out there and all you need to do is ask. About ICON The idea … [continue] 25th-29th September ICON week
23rd-29th September Organ Donation Week
What is organ donation? Organ donation is when you decide to give an organ to save or transform the life of someone else. You can donate some organs while you are alive, and this … [continue] 23rd-29th September Organ Donation Week
18th September National Fitness Day
National Fitness Day is an annual campaign by ukactive that highlights the role that physical activity plays across the UK, helping to raise awareness of its importance in assisting us to lead healthier lifestyles. … [continue] 18th September National Fitness Day
13th September World Sepsis Day
10th September World Suicide Prevention Day
What is World Suicide Prevention Day? Every year, organisations and communities around the world come together to raise awareness of how we can create a world where fewer people … [continue] 10th September World Suicide Prevention Day
2nd-8th September Know Your Numbers Week
Every September, blood pressure checks are taken by thousands to prevent heart attacks and strokes. Every September, blood pressure checks are taken by thousands to prevent heart attacks and strokes. … [continue] 2nd-8th September Know Your Numbers Week
September is PCOS awareness month
WHAT IS PCOS? PCOS affects 1 in 10 women in the UK Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine disorder whereby polycystic ovaries are one of an array of possible … [continue] September is PCOS awareness month